1. Theoretical Introduction
1.1 Types of variables
1.2 Population/Sample/Calculation of sample - Use of GPower
2. Introduction to SPSS
2.1 Overview of the program
2.2 SPSS windows
2.3 SPSS Menu, Toolbar and Status Bar
2.4 Designing, constructing and coding questionnaires
2.5 Creating a file:
- Variable identity
- Types of variables: the importance of numerical variables o Length and decimal places
- Labeling variables
- Numeric codes and their importance in data analysis with SPSS o Missing values
- Variable measurement scale
2.6 Organizing, editing, transforming and manipulating data
- Selecting cases
- Sorting cases
- Separating data for analysis
- Creating new variables from existing ones, using a mathematical expression
- Creating new variables from existing ones, using automatic or manual recoding
- Modifying an existing variable by recoding the original variable
2.7 Importing data into Excel
3. Descriptive data analysis
3.1 Frequency distribution
3.2 Measures of descriptive statistics
- Frequencies Menu Measures of location
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of non-central tendency
- Measures of dispersion
- Measures of distribution
- Descriptives Menu
3.3 Graphical representations
4. Statistical Inference
4.1 Fundamentals of Statistical Inference
- Parametric tests Vs. Non-parametric tests
- Types of comparisons Vs. Types of analysis
- Normal distribution o Test value and test statistic
4.2 Procedures to consider when applying tests
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test / Shapiro-Wilk test
4.3 Parametric tests for:
- one sample - t-test
- two independent samples - t-test
- Assumption of variances - Levene's test
- two paired samples - t-test 3 samples - ANOVA
4.4 Correlation between variables Pearson's correlation Spearman's correlation
4.5 Comparison of proportions Chi-Square test for association between variables
5. Regression models
5.1 Linear regression
5.2 Simple Linear Regression
5.3 Multiple Linear Regression
5.4 Dummy variables
5.5 Model improvement techniques
5.6 Assumptions to check in linear regression
6. Transversal skills
6.1 Levels of evidence
6.2 Types of study and their designs (advantages and disadvantages)
6.3 Reporting data analysis in a poster/oral communication/articl